Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fearless: No Such Thing as Impossible

Fearless 4

*images taken from Google and Giphy

No Such Thing as Impossible (with God)
Message by Daniel Carandang
written by Ana Andres

Have you ever been in an impossible situation?

Perhaps you’ve had a medical condition with no cure, a terror professor who gives failing grades, or as simple as a crush who never seems to notice you.

Whatever it is it’s just…

Many, many years ago, a man named Abraham was also in an impossible situation. Abraham wanted to have a son. This was his greatest dream. Problem was, Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was barren and Abraham was old.

This was an impossible situation. There was no way Sarah could conceive a child. She was physically incapable of such. Nonetheless, God promised Abraham a son.

Wait, WHAT?!

In this situation, we see the reality of our own limitations as humans. Truth is, we are really weak and powerless on our own. For an instance, we are helpless towards natural catastrophes and death or maybe sometimes we’ll feel like we’ve given it our all but we still fall short. At one point, we will reach the maximum of our limited capacity and there are some things bigger that we just aren’t able to control.

But unlike us, GOD IS ALMIGHTY.

“Now when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am GodAlmighty; Walk before Me, and be blameless."
Genesis 17:1 

“El Shadday” is the Hebrew translation of “God Almighty”; “El” meaning, powerful and strong and “Shaddai” meaning, all-powerful and all-sufficient. God is limitless and therefore there is nothing that He is unable to control. When He promised Abraham a son, He also intended to fulfill this promise. He has the ability and power to do so!

“Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what He had promised. 2 Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. 5 Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.”
Genesis 21:1-2;5

You see, nothing is impossible with God!

We are weak but our God is able!

God can do more than this Darth Vader

How should this impact our lives then?

 “Now when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; Walk before Me, and be blameless.
Genesis 17:1

Knowing and genuinely believing that our God is Almighty, we are able to depend and trust His Word with all our heart. We won’t be afraid to walk where He leads us and we won’t be afraid to walk before Him and be blameless.

13 years before God gave Abraham and Sarah a son, they compromised and sinned. They were getting impatient and they thought foolishly, “let’s not wait anymore, let’s ‘help’ God”. So Abraham slept with Hagar, handmaid of Sarah. This was widely accepted in their culture back then but just because it’s accepted, does not mean it’s right. Biblically, this was still considered as sin as it was fornication and adultery.

When we compromise, we lose sight and forget that God is Almighty. We no longer acknowledge the fact that God is able and that is why we step in and do it our way. This doesn't only dishonor Him but it also hinders us from seeing God’s mighty power and receiving His blessings.

How we see God ultimately affects how much we trust and obey Him. If we depict God to be small, then our trust and obedience will be small but if we see Him as the STRONG, POWERFUL, ALMIGHTY God that He is, our trust and obedience will be greater.

We can count on Him and His promises because He is more than able to fulfill them!

Are you willing to walk before God and be blameless?

Open your heart. Pray and Obey!

See for yourself the wonders He’ll show you!


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