Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fearless: Fears Be Gone!

Fearless 3
*all images taken from Google images

Fears Be Gone!
Speaker: Julius Rayala
written by Ashley Petallano

There are two kinds of fear: fear of the uncertain and fear of the certain.

When you fear the uncertain, you're simply scared of the unknown. For example, you've been liking this friend of yours for years. It's not just a crush, it's a MEGA CRUSH. It's such a burdening crush that you want to tell him/her. But you're stopped by the fact that all your efforts might go to waste due to the FRIENDZONE.

#friendzoned #ouch #ithurtssobaaad

When you fear something certain, it means you're scared of what's already sure. It's like being told that your mom is sick with terminal cancer. Three doctors confirmed that she's got less than months to live. The reality that you might have to live without your mother soon is terrifying. And you think to yourself: this isn't fair.

When we live in fear, everything stops. We don't want to move or do anything extreme simply because we are scared. The problem is fear can limit us. It hinders us from doing things beyond our capacities. Also, they stop us from pursuing what God wants for us. 

An example would be the fear of running out of money. Let's face it: MONEY IS ESSENTIAL. It's no wonder why we're afraid of losing some. If we do, we can barely do stuff that are important to us such as pay for school, the bills and food. We're initially stumped when we don't have the means to pay and we panic.

But if we want to survive this world, we cannot afford to be enveloped in fear. Being fearless requires not inhuman strength, swords or muscles. Nope. One is fearless when he knows who is God is. When you know that God is stronger, your fears are laid to rest.


Our God is a limitless God. He is not weak like us. He carries us on His shoulders. It helps us relieve ourselves from worries when we believe that God has a plan for us whilst we are in the midst of terrifying situations. He is beyond our realities.

When you believe that your God is beyond reality 

How are we assured of this?

 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:11

When faced with fear, always know that you can turn to God for everything: support, advice and prayers. If you accept Him and allow Him to control your life, you are welcomed by Him with open arms. His children can come to Him freely with their burdens. 

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:7

As His child, God is concerned with your welfare. He is a Father, remember? Like what Matthew 7:11 says, if our earthly fathers can provide what we need, God can surpass their efforts. Now we're not saying that God is a genie. He is a Father who will approve matters that will benefit you and glorify Him.

No father matches God. He gives us what is good. Bad things are not His doing but ours. We are sinful beings that usually allow sin take control and ruin God's plan. 

God is always faithful but as His child, we need to do our part as well. 

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8

We are called to be His witnesses, martyrs of faith. We should spread the Word about God and His Gospel. Of course, we must also obey God. He reminds us constantly of what to do through the Bible and our prayers. Also, learn to give for His kingdom through tithing.

God provided Christ for us so that all our fears will be laid to rest. No more fear of being sent to hell, of unforgivable sins, of Satan winning this battle. All our fears are nothing compared to God's power. He is enough. More than enough. 

If our God is with us, then who can stand against us?

God takes over our fears!

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