Answer the Call
by Daniel
written by
Hannah Repotente
Alabang celebrated its 3rd year anniversary last October 11, 2014.
The whole area including the 5th floor was crowded as a record
breaking 1,400+ people attended the event and over 200 students signed up to be
plugged into dgroups. For the past three years, God has tremendously blessed
Elevate and the lives of every attendee. It is truly God who was able to build
the movement to where it is now! All glory to God!
“Ano ang isang hinahanap mo ngayon and why?”
questions comes every so often. Some of us might be looking for their passion
in life. Some might be looking for the right circle of friends. Others might be
looking for money to buy the new Iphone 6, or others might be looking for their
special someone to spend their forever with. All of us desire different things
but one things is for sure; we look for things that are valuable to us.
This is the
same with God. He is continually seeking us out because we are important to
Him. Like someone courting a girl, He is also courting us, to present His love
and to receive ours. No matter how many times you reject Him, His love will
never die. He is always at your doorstep, waiting to receive your “Yes”. That’s
how much He loves you.
To further
understand this point, let’s dive into the story of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
and see the depth of God’s love.
“Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he
was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.”
Luke 19:1-2
these days, tax collectors were rude, selfish, and would charge unreasonable
amounts so they can keep the money beyond their quota. If you remember the girl
in the Amalayer video (Paula Salvosa), then you would know that at that time
that she was one of the most hated people in our country. The same with the tax
collectors; they were the most hated people in Israel. Now Zacchaeus was a
chief tax collector, making him the worst of the worst, but a person like him
is the one Jesus chose to have an encounter with.
“He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he
could not see over the crowd.So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to
see him, since Jesus was coming that way.”
Luke 19:3-4
Now Jesus
was very popular because of His uncanny ability to heal sicknesses; He can even
raise people back from the dead! Now for Zacchaeus, his desire to see Jesus
wasn’t ordinary curiosity. He desperately wanted to see Him; he even climbed a
tree to get a better view! He didn’t care about what people would think; he so
badly wanted to see Jesus at all costs!
No one
really knows why Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, but perhaps, he was looking for
love and acceptance. He was hated and rejected by society, and he couldn’t bear
the pain any longer. Maybe he was also looking for forgiveness, to release the
guilt of cheating anyone’s debts. He was trying to fill the emptiness of his
heart, but he could not do so, not by his own hands.
Are you like Zacchaeus?
Perhaps you
too are longing for love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Maybe you know in your
heart that Jesus might be the answer, but for some reason, you are refusing Him.
Some common reasons are…
1. Spiritual Pride
you’re thinking that you can manage on your own, and that you don’t need Jesus
in your life.
2. Fear of What Other People Will Say
you’re thinking that if you accept Jesus in your life, you will be judged by
your friends, and they will tease you for your faith. That you’ll be weird in
their eyes.
3. Wrong Picture of Jesus
This is the
most common reason for refusing Jesus. You might think that God is a tyrant, or
maybe the Church is boring. You might even think that for God to accept you, you
must be very holy and do all sorts of rituals for you to have His favor. Or
maybe…you think God is angry with you, and that he can’t forgive all the wrong
things you’ve done in your life.
that’s where you are terribly mistaken!
“When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him,
“Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”
Luke 19:5
This is
certainly shocking for Zacchaeus. To think that someone so popular would initiate
the conversation first, and for Him to know his name and to dwell in his house,
to spend time with him! And since Jesus knew his name, then He knows every inch
of Zacchaeus, his background and past included. Zacchaeus might be thinking,
“If you know my name, then you must know who I am. But why are you talking to
me? Why aren’t you angry at me like everyone else is? And you even want to stay
at my house, with me!”
Jesus could
have chosen to spend time with anyone else, but He chose to be with Zacchaeus.
Despite his sins and mistakes, Jesus deeply cared for him. Like Zacchaeus,
Jesus knows us, loves us, and is seeking us out!
“So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter,
“He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”
Luke 19: 6-7
didn’t care if people would think ill of him, as he would go into communion
with one of the most hated people in their nation. All He cared about is
Zacchaeus; all He cared about is us. Though we fail continuously, His love
never fades. This is the love of Christ for us sinners.
“But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord!
Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated
anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount. Jesus said to
him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son
of Abraham.”
19: 8-9
laid down all he has and repented of his evil ways. Jesus love and compassion
for him touched his heart, and was even willing to give his possessions away.
God’s forgiveness and love completely transformed him into something anew.
Jesus even acknowledge it in verse ten, where salvation has come to his house.
Zacchaeus is no longer alone; God is with him, always.
No words
could explain the unwavering love of God for us, sinners who don’t deserve
another chance. He loves us so much, that He would even send His only Son to
die for us so that we may live.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Luke 19:10
Zacchaeus, Jesus’ love overflows, and He wants to be your Lord, Savior, and Father.
He is eager and willing to wipe every tear away and use us in ways we could
never imagined.
His arms
are open wide, and His loving smile is evident in His face. He is waiting for
Will you
answer His call?
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