When is Jesus Coming Back?
by Daniel Carandang
written by Ana Andres
Life is but a fleeting moment and to some, all they await is death. For us Christians, we await for the return of our Messiah for he promised that He would come back.
When is He coming back?
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
Matthew 24:1-3
It is very clear in those verses that there is ABSOLUTELY NO ONE but only the Father knows when Jesus Christ is coming back. With that, we must be very cautious when hearing predictions because it is an absolute lie. We must be careful to be grounded in the truth we know because people are deceived, as they have no knowledge of this truth. Although we will never really know when He will return, he didn’t leave us to our impressions. He gave signs that would indicate that the end is near, which are;
- Influx of false teachers (Matthew 24:4)
- Wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6)
- Earthquakes and famines in various places (Matthew 24:7)
- Persecution of God’s people (Matthew 24:8)
- Many will turn away from the faith, wickedness will increase and love of most will grow cold (Matthew 24:11-14)
All of these seem to be happening right now but then again, no one knows! Therefore we are to keep watch. Just imagine if Jesus was to return at this very moment. What would he find you doing? We didn’t wait a lifetime for Him to see us doing something dishonorable, right? We want Him to find us faithfully serving His Kingdom but most importantly, we keep watch of the people because His second coming will be swifter than lightning. By then, there will be no longer a chance to repent and their choice has determined their eternity.
How then do we keep watch?
First is to have a heavenly perspective.
Have you ever tried to unroll a toilet paper until only the cylinder cardboard is left? That would take some time to finish, wouldn’t it? Now imagine unrolling and imagine that it goes on forever. Let’s use that illustration to represent our eternal life. On the other hand, a piece of that toilet paper represents our life here on earth. If you look at the overall picture, our life here on earth is nothing but a dot compared to our life in eternity. We only get this one tiny chance, which ultimately determines the rest of forever. That being the case, we are to run this race like a runner, having our eyes on the prize, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if we have truly grasped this, we will be faithful in what He has called us to do. We will be good stewards of our time, our resources, our talents and everything that He gave us. We will share the Gospel, love one another, and resist sin and temptation. As for the Apostle Paul, he gave up his everything to fulfill his mission. He forgot about the “good” things here on earth and decided to look to the good things in eternity because really,
All of our pains, all of our sufferings will soon be gone. It will be replaced with eternal joy. He will give us a crown that will last forever and we will be with Him for eternity. Nothing can ever compare to that. Not even the happiest moment we’ve ever had here on earth.
At the end of it all, when you come face to face with Jesus, will you be able to say that you lived your life faithfully?
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